Sunday, 24 June 2007

Harriet Deputy Leader, Jon deserves credit

I wonder if the newsnight statement by John that if I had to be somebodyelse for the deputy leadership it would have to be Harriet. Anyway Jon you have done the Unite union and the wider union memebsrhip proud. Well Done!

It was very close in the end Jon managed of 30% of the vote!

Who said the cnetre-left and left were dead!!

Harriet well done!

John Wiseman


Tom said...

Quite happy with this. We set the agenda. Nick and Max seemed alright about it too. That balcony was nice and noisy.

Don't suppose you could chuck me an email with a bit more about getting involved in the Unite left?

Anonymous said...

Will the unite left actually post any leaflets to get Labour candidates elected? I'm always suspicous of 'meeting heavy' but 'leaflet lite' reclaim our party type people.I voted for Cruddas bcause of his agenda AND his onus and grassroots campaigning.

I've been to many purist meetings while the Lib Dems were in the streets outside delivering Focus leaflets,winning seats, taking over the council and devastating services that affect our people...
I'd be interested to know what Unite Left are going to do to combat this...

Tom said...

I agree more with her pre-election policies, I must say!