Sunday, 3 June 2007

The left in Unite and in the labour movement must Unite

I sometimes feel all of us maybe pulling in different directions, we must remember we are all on the left or centre left in the Labour movement. The Labour party was created by the trade unions to represent the working people of this country as well as the poor and impovished. After the good work of people such as John McDonnell, Derek Simpson and Tony Woodley, I do not want to see this wasted in my union or in the wider Labour movement. We need to rengage those lost members of the labour party and allow them to have their say. Only then can we truly Unite!!

1 comment:

Red_GS850G said...

John, clearly you are in a position of some influence both within the party and your union, yet I find the this statement

"The Labour party was created by the trade unions to represent the working people of this country as well as the poor and impovished"

a little bit worrying in that you draw a distinction between working people and the poor and impoverished.

Should I be distancing myself from the poor and impoverished and allying myself with the working people or should I just embrace the whole and take each as they come?