Friday, 29 June 2007

Brown's Cabinet, a move to the right!!

After looking at the cabinet appointments, I feel that we now know that Brown has not listened to the grassroots and has appointed a right wingers to the cabinet. Good on Jon Cruddas for standing on his principles and it seems that people such as John McDonnell and grim up north have been not just right but under estimated how right winf we could get!!



susan press said...

Too right. I think Jon Cruddas is to be applauded for turning a job down but I have to ask now what did his campaign achieve for trade unionists in any real sense.Tony Woodley etc used cruddas as a get out of jail free card (no offence meant to cruddas) so they didn't have to nominate John McD. As we said, brown couldn't have cared less. What he really feared was a leadership contest. Gives me no pleasure to be proved right....PS: on another note Can I have your e-mail John as am organising left event in september with John McD mine is

Gabriel said...

I like your blog and I feel we share sufficient common ground for a link to each others blogs to be mutually beneficial.If you agree to link then please contact me at 'An Unrepentant Communist'

on the commments page of the current post,and I will immediately link your blog to mine.Looking forward to hearing from you.
Gabriel in County Kerry Ireland

Deco said...

If your parties became a "little" right wing over the past decade abandon ship.
All your efforts only help a now authoritarian right wing party.

None of thatchers privatisation has been reversed, New Labour has even added to it.